Spinner Blue Fox Vibrax Original #5 C - BF5 C
Spinner Blue Fox Vibrax Original #5 C - BF5 C
Spinner Blue Fox Vibrax Original #5 C - BF5 C
Spinner Blue Fox Vibrax Original #5 C - BF5 C

Spinner Blue Fox Vibrax Original #5 C

Catalog number: BF5 C, EAN code: 027752605307, Product code: 36502

Brand: Blue Fox, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: we do not currently offer

Price: 8.75,- AU$ excl. VAT

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Blue Fox Vibrax Original is a sound rotating spinner with an oval-shaped leaf. Leaf shape makes it ideal for fishing a slower speed, it will sink into the depth only when the movement speed is very slow.

Weight: 13g (7/16 oz)