Rapala BX Minnow 07 Silver - BXM07 S
Rapala BX Minnow 07 Silver - BXM07 S
Rapala BX Minnow 07 Silver - BXM07 S
Rapala BX Minnow 07 Silver - BXM07 S


Rapala BX Minnow

Rapala BX Minnow 07 Silver

Catalog number: BXM07 S, EAN code: 022677254937, Product code: 400054

Brand: Rapala, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: we do not currently offer

SALE 40 %

Price: 200,- Kč334 Kč excl. VAT

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Color selection of Rapala BX Minnow 07:

Rapala BX Minnow 07 Blue Back HerringRapala BX Minnow 07 Brown TroutRapala BX Minnow 07 PerchRapala BX Minnow 07 Redfin Perch

The Rapala BX Minnow 07 is a slim floating wobbler designed for fishing in shallower waters. Featuring a patented construction combining a balsa core with a durable copolymer outer body, the Rapala BX Minnow features an extremely responsive action that comes to life on even the slowest of reels and the gentlest twitches of the rod tip. Nevertheless, it can also handle fast and aggressive winding and withstand the force of powerful predators. The precise balance of the Rapala BX Minnow ensures perfect balance and long casting even in strong winds.

Lenght 7 cm
2-3/4 in
Weight 7 g
1/4 oz
Range 0.6 ~ 1.2 m
2 ~ 4 ft


Treble Hooks 2 x #6

We offer the lure in the following sizes / variants:

Rapala BX Minnow 07BX Minnow 07Rapala BX Minnow 10BX Minnow 10