Jackall TN38 Clear Lemon Tiger - 246513
Jackall TN38 Clear Lemon Tiger - 246513
Jackall TN38 Clear Lemon Tiger - 246513 - UV
Jackall TN38 Clear Lemon Tiger - 246513
Jackall TN38 Clear Lemon Tiger - 246513
Jackall TN38 Clear Lemon Tiger - 246513 - UV


Jackall TN38

Jackall TN38 Clear Lemon Tiger

Catalog number: 246513, EAN code: 4525807246513, Product code: 60600

Brand: Jackall, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: in stock

Number in stock: 1 pcs

Delivery: from 1 - 2 business days to United States.

Price: 32.98,- CA$ excl. VAT


Color selection of Jackall TN38:

Jackall TN38 Clear Lemon TigerJackall TN38 Ghost ChigillJackall TN38 Noike GillJackall TN38 Pink Head Aurora BlackJackall TN38 Silver Powder Gold & BlackJackall TN38 Super Chartreuse Gill

The Jackall TN38 is a high-quality bass fishing lure, renowned for its "Finesse Reaction" capabilities. It features a unique O.M.S (Out Metal System) for excellent obstacle avoidance and quick action responsiveness. Designed with a slightly angled underwater posture, it reduces line entanglement. The lure incorporates a custom-designed Tungsten High Sound, creating a distinct sound to attract bass.

Length 38 mm
1.5 in
Weight 5.1 g
0.18 oz
Range unlimited
Type sinking
Treble Hooks 2 x #12