Rapala Mini Fat Rap 03 Brown Trout - MFR03 TR
Rapala Mini Fat Rap 03 Brown Trout - MFR03 TR
Rapala Mini Fat Rap 03 Brown Trout - MFR03 TR
Rapala Mini Fat Rap 03 Brown Trout - MFR03 TR


Rapala Mini Fat Rap

Rapala Mini Fat Rap 03 Brown Trout

Catalog number: MFR03 TR, EAN code: 022677167855, Product code: 400704

Brand: Rapala, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: we do not currently offer

Price: 41.08,- zł excl. VAT

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The Rapala Mini Fat Rap 03 wobbler is a small, balsa wobbler, designed for fishing in shallows or over shallow submerged water obstacles. It's also an effective surface bait thanks to the blade shaped for a narrow range of wobble. Perfect for fishing trout, perch, walleye and other smaller predators.

Length 30 mm
1-1/2 in
Weight 4 g
1/8 oz
Range 0.9 - 1.8 m
3 - 6 ft
Type sinking
Treble Hooks 2 x #12