Rapala Jointed Shad Rap 05 Chrome - JSR05 CH
Rapala Jointed Shad Rap 05 Chrome - JSR05 CH
Rapala Jointed Shad Rap 05 Chrome - JSR05 CH
Rapala Jointed Shad Rap 05 Chrome - JSR05 CH


Rapala Jointed Shad Rap

Rapala Jointed Shad Rap 05 Chrome

Catalog number: JSR05 CH, EAN code: 022677247663, Product code: 400551

Brand: Rapala, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: we do not currently offer

SALE 40 %

Price: 22.49,- zł37.48 zł excl. VAT

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The Rapala Jointed Shad Rap 05 is a two-piece version of the Shad Rap wobbler. A sensitive and fast bait provoking predators to attack even during a slow lure retrieving. Sound-neutral wobbler imitates the movements of a wounded fish, suitable for spinning and trolling. The light and durable plastic construction of the body improves the performance of the wobbler. Each wobbler is hand tuned and tank tested for perfect action right out of the box.

Length 5 cm
2 in
Weight 8 g
1/4 oz
Range 1.8 ~ 3.9 m
6 ~ 13 ft
Type suspending
Treble Hooks #6 and #7