Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap 09 Live Roach - JSDR09 ROL
Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap 09 Live Roach - JSDR09 ROL
Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap 09 Live Roach - JSDR09 ROL
Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap 09 Live Roach - JSDR09 ROL


Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap

Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap 09 Live Roach

Catalog number: JSDR09 ROL, EAN code: 022677326337, Product code: 400502

Brand: Rapala, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: we do not currently offer

Price: 15.20,- $ excl. VAT

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Following in the footsteps of the original Rapala® Jigging Rap®, the much lighter Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap® features a slower darting action. Rapala Jigging Shadow Rap is designed for vertical jigging, the broader silhouette, modern internal metallic finishes and belly-flashing action are ideal for targeting large wary fish, whether they are suspended or close to the bottom.

Length 9 cm
3-1/2 in
Weight 17 g
5/8 oz
Range variable
Type sinking
Hooks #1 and #6