Rapala RAP-V Blade 05 Ghost - RVB05 GH
Rapala RAP-V Blade 05 Ghost - RVB05 GH
Rapala RAP-V Blade 05 Ghost - RVB05 GH - UV
Rapala RAP-V Blade 05 Ghost - RVB05 GH
Rapala RAP-V Blade 05 Ghost - RVB05 GH
Rapala RAP-V Blade 05 Ghost - RVB05 GH - UV


Rapala Rap-V Blade

Rapala RAP-V Blade 05 Ghost

Catalog number: RVB05 GH, EAN code: 022677325286, Product code: 401104

Brand: Rapala, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: we do not currently offer

SALE 40 %

Price: 10.48,- AU$17.46 AU$ excl. VAT

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The Rapala Rap-V Blade is the perfect balance of metal, plastic and Rapala® expertise. This extremely versatile bait produces instant vibration on the lift or retrieve. The Rap-V can be worked in variable depths with a wide range of techniques; cast out, make contact with bottom, lift & let fall in a yo-yo style retrieve. For vertical presentation, drop to bottom and twitch for a jigging action. Two line tie positions; front line tie for a slower fall swimming action, rear line tie for a faster fall, head down action. The Rapala Rap-V Blade delivers the right action and attitude and is a perfect choice for any species of gamefish.

Length 5 cm
2 in
Weight 10 g
3/8 oz
Range variable
Type sinking
Hooks #6 and #8