DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215
DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3 - 830215

DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver #3

Catalog number: 830215, EAN code: 4989540830215, Product code: 7470

Brand: DECOY, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: in stock

Number in stock: 5 or more packages

Delivery: from 1 - 2 business days to United States.

Price: 22.83,- zł excl. VAT


DECOY WL-11S Blade Leader Silver are short leaders with a rotating plate. The leader has a loop on one side and a DECOY V-Snap snap on the other. The blade is on a very good swivel, so you don't have to worry about twisting the line too much. The leader can be placed in front of a soft bait or wobbler - this will add vibrations of the rotating blade and a lot of glare to the bait. DECOY Blade Leader Silver proved to be great for pike and perch fishing. Made in Japan!

Package contains 2 pcs.

Size Length Snap Pieces in package
#2 5 cm V-Snap #2 2
#3 6 cm V-Snap #3 2
#3.5 7 cm V-Snap #3 2