Rapala Shadow Rap 11 Silver - SDR11 S
Rapala Shadow Rap 11 Silver - SDR11 S
Rapala Shadow Rap 11 Silver - SDR11 S
Rapala Shadow Rap 11 Silver - SDR11 S


Rapala Shadow Rap

Rapala Shadow Rap 11 Silver

Catalog number: SDR11 S, EAN code: 022677253923, Product code: 401255

Brand: Rapala, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: we do not currently offer

SALE 40 %

Price: 36.03,- zł60.05 zł excl. VAT

Watch availability

Rapala Shadow Rap® is a jerkbait designed to perfectly mimic the last struggle of a dying minnow, the Shadow Rap® makes tight turns when twitched, turns to look back and then settles to a head down position with a quiver before starting a slow fade-away dive on the pause. Can be fished almost in place with short twitches, extending the time the lure spends on the strike zone.

Length 11 cm
4-3/8 in
Weight 13 g
7/16 oz
Range 0.6 ~ 1.2 m
2 ~ 4 ft
Type slow sinking
Treble hooks 3 x #6

We offer the lure in the following sizes / variants:

Rapala Shadow Rap 07Shadow Rap 07Rapala Shadow Rap 11Shadow Rap 11