Rapala MaxRap Long Range Minnow 12 Live Blue Mackerel - MXLM12 SBML
Rapala MaxRap Long Range Minnow 12 Live Blue Mackerel - MXLM12 SBML
Rapala MaxRap Long Range Minnow 12 Live Blue Mackerel - MXLM12 SBML
Rapala MaxRap Long Range Minnow 12 Live Blue Mackerel - MXLM12 SBML


Rapala MaxRap Long Range Minnow 12

Rapala MaxRap Long Range Minnow 12 Live Blue Mackerel

Catalog number: MXLM12 SBML, EAN code: 022677289670, Product code: 400753

Brand: Rapala, Warranty: 24 months

Availability: we do not currently offer

Price: 67.97,- zł excl. VAT

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Rapala MaxRap Long Range Minnow is designed for fishing that requires ultimate casting distances in the most demanding conditions. The patented Max Cast weight transfer mechanism and aerodynamic shape of the lure guarantee that it will cast farther than any lure in its category. Ideal for fast and aggressive presentations, but also performs perfectly with slow retrieve.

Length 12 cm
4-3/4 in
Weight 20 g
3/4 oz
Range 1.2 m
4 ft
Type slow sinking
Treble hooks 3 x #6